Sunday, May 27, 2012

This week the class assignment was to take a few assessments and see how we communicate also we were to ak others to take the same assessment of how they see us as communicators. I completed the assessments and was surprised in some areas on how it came out. I asked my granddaughter Javon ( in photo above) who is 18 to do the assessment . I explained to her what it was for and she was all to happy to assist! After seeing the excitement in her face, I reminded her that she did live with me and allowence time was approaching, just kidding there was no bribbing at all. After seeing the results I was also surprised that in the verbal aggression and the communication inventory it was almost the same in the scoring with somme small changes. I contributed this to her living with me at different times in her life and for the last 4 years she has been with me and we have become closer, and I do believe that makes a big difference. I asked my youngest daughter who is 35 to do the same thing and it was totally different in how the scores were from her viewpoint.

 I have realized that that is due to me not communicating with her the same as with Javon. I tend to allow the grandchild to get away with more that I ever allowed my daughter to get away with and back when my daughter was growing up, I was not a good communicator and did not know how to express myself the way I do now. This has really been an eye opener as to how I am percieved by myself and others and I will ensure that I do a better job at being mindful of how I verbalize, use gestures and tones.

1 comment:

Wanda said...

Your insight is something that I can relate to with my sons. I have one that lives away from home and one that lives with me. The one that lives with me understands my body gestures quicker than my other son. Thanks for sharing.