Saturday, May 5, 2012

The person I chose to write about that demonstrates competent communication is my Aunt Melissa. My Aunt Melissa is calm no matter the situation she speaks clearly and when speaking to anyone she is always mindful of what she says and how she responds when dialoging. She exhibits eye contact and appropriate facial expressions. She sits up straight to let you know she is giving you her full attention.

I want to model some of my own communication behaviors after her because she listens, reflect on what is being said before she responds and have positive outcomes when dealing with people.


Lavonda said...

It seams as if your aunt has had a positive impact on your life. Communication is a great way to lead by example and I am glad to know that you have a family member that has provided you with a good effective way to communicate. Setting examples for people is always good and maybe they will follow and practice what they observe from you.

elizabeth turner said...

Your aunt has very good communication skills. I like the idea that her body language exhibits positive communication as well as her words. A person's body language can speak volumes even before our mouth opens.

Lavonda said...

It seams as if your aunt is a person that has had a positive impact on your life. It is always good to have someone in your family that had made a good example of communicating effectively with others. Communications is very importnant and the way we talk to people are extremely important,

Wanda said...

Your aunt Melissa sounds like my niece, Kristy she exhibits a lot of those same communication skills. I think that it is great to be a good communicator; maybe after this class I will be able to be an effective communicator also.

cutepreschoolers said...

One attributes I admire in great communicators is their calmness which makes audience or listeners to trust them. This is one ability I admire in my communication model. President Barracks Obama of the US.