Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Family Culture

In the event of a catastrophe and my family and I had to relocate to another country who's cukture is different from my own three things I would bring would be our Family's photos,family bible,quilt made by great grandmother. These items mean the world to me as both my grandparents on both sides and , my mother and father as well as a grandchild are all deceased.All I have of them are the pictures that I possess.The family bible hold the dates of special events, and births in our family of which could never be replaced.If after arriving in this other country and was told I may only keep one thing, I think it would be the photos because it would be visuals to share with future generations, I could get another bible, and we could make another quilt, but the pictures would be more important so that my children and grandchildren can see past generations.

What I have learned from this assignment is that as a parent I must start collecting more family items so that my children and grandchildren and their children will have a sense of family and their heritage.


elizabeth turner said...

I responded to your blog because you chose to take some interesting items. It seems that you are a person who is family oriented and spiritual as well. Sometimes in the daily grind of life, we forget that the Lord is the head of everything. Thank you for sharing your blog with us and reminding me of what is truly important.

Chris said...

A quilt is a great item to bring, it is such a unique item that often a reflection of the person who made it and many are done through experiences. My parents are too deceased, and I have pictures of them throughout my house and my grandchildren often ask about who they are.

Talisha said...

Hi debra,

I enjoyed your post. Anytime I think of catastrophe, I think of a sense of helplessness because you just don't know what to expect. This assignment helped me realize how much a person could go through if they lost everything. we are yet so fortunate and my heart goes out to individuals who may have experienced things as such.

cutepreschoolers said...

Memory and pictures are closely related. And I agree with you on the importance of going with your family pictures.