Saturday, February 25, 2012

When I Think of Research...

Insights I have gained from this research class is that in conducting research projects we must be ethical, considerate and be knowledgeable of families cultures.

My ideas about the nature of doing research has changed by understanding the importance of the role research projects play in this society and how invaluable knowing the ways in which research is conducted and what it involves in the lines of being ethical, knowledgeable of the subject matter and how the participants are trusting of the researcher make the difference in the results of the study.

Challenges I face was when I went on the Walden library website and it took me some time to navigate through the areas to find the articles and journals I needed to complete my projects. Additional challenges I faced was understanding the terminology used and the guidelines in how research needs to be conducted for maximum results.

I have a better appreciation of all educators and the support staff that work with students as they have to be mindful of all ethnic backgrounds student and family’s cultures. They are put on the front line to educate future generations.




Jaime said...

I had some trouble with the terminology too, I'm sure it has to do with the new or foreign information as well. I can also relate to seeing what researchers go through and have a new found respect for them. Thank you for your post and sharing it. Good Luck in your future courses, hopefully we'll work together and learn from each other again soon.

elizabeth turner said...

I like the fact that you stated that while doing research that we have to be considerate of those people and cultures that we are researching because we want to be as fair as possible in order to ensure that the research will be valid.

Talisha said...

Love the background of you blog!!! It's exciting!!! Thank you so much for what you have contributed to this class the last eight weeks, You were very helpful. There were times when I just wanted to quit but looking at how my colleagues toughed it out, I decided to stay a part of the team. Thanks for commenting on blogs and discussions that gave me more insights to topics in the class. I commend you for all the hard work you have done throughout the course Thanks!!