Sunday, December 18, 2011

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3

It has been 7 weeks and I still have not gotten a response to any of the organizations I emailed. This is discouraging to me as I had so hoped to gain information of early childcare centers, schools or registered homes in another country. Since none of these things has happened I reviewed the UNESCO website and I learned that they advocates for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programs that attend to health, nutrition, security and learning and which provide for children's holistic development. ECCE is part of a range of programs that promote inclusive education.
I viewed a video on Moscow’s kindergarten program that showed a variety of activities being done at the center. The parents are actively involved and it is geared towards the child’s interest.

UNESCO works to ensure quality inclusive education, notably concerning access, the learning environment and successful outcomes. The Organization also leads efforts to increase female literacy: a human right and a key to improving livelihoods, child and maternal health, as well as girls’ access to education, both in and out of school.

Insights I have gained this week is that no matter what country, city or state all children deserve the best education possible and we all can do something to ensure that we touch the lives of at least one child to make a life long difference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Debra, I enjoyed the web sites you shared, especially about the efferts to better children's lives in Moscow. I hope I will get a chanc eto view that video!
