Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sharing Web Resources

As I have reviewed information on UNICEF organization, it has given me much information on children, what the organization does for the betterment of all children in the United States and abroad that I can use in my continued journey in the Early Child Development field.
There was an issue that talked about China and the condition of the country and what UNICEF is doing along with other organizations to develop the outer areas of China so that children get at least their basic needs met.
Politicians, economist, and neuroscientists, share a common need to enhance the lives of children from their beginnings. Although different views are shared by each the goal is to have all children have a good education, services they need in order to get their needs met and for organizations from schools, hospital and health care organizations to provide care and services to the children and their families in order to obtain the overall goal and that is to have better communities throughout the world.
I ha e gained new insights on how even underdeveloped areas have much of the same problems with education and even as many countries have in most cases less than the bare necessities of life , they value an education for their children.


Anonymous said...

Debra, UNICEF, is truly a wonderful global allianc efor children. Thank you for posting this.


Fawn Thomas said...

Unicef is a great organization and am happy to hear they are providing help to children in China. Since this course began I learned from someone's blog that China is experiencing major problems with poverty and was happy hear Unicef is leading a helping hand in that area of the world.

Mrs Van Meter said...

You have chosen a wonderful organization to follow. Thank you for sharing the information about China. It amazes me we are of different cultural backgrounds and geography and yet we all have similar questions and concerns for our future generations.

Mrs Van Meter said...

You have chosen a wonderful organization to follow. Thank you for sharing the information about China. It amazes me we are of different cultural backgrounds and geography and yet we all have similar questions and concerns for our future generations.

elizabeth turner said...

I am always interested in the health care profession and what their plans are to help those countries who can't afford healthcare due to the poverty that surrounds them. I wish that as a nation that we could do more for children and parents. I also feel that it should be a requirement for all educators to become involved in some type of organization to help a child in need.

Anonymous said...

Debra, I really enjoyed your post. The idea of developing the outskirts of China, partly so that the children can have better lives, sounds very innovative.
