Sunday, August 5, 2012

My Hypothetical Family Situation

This week blog assignment was to write about a hypothetical family  situation in which you are a parent about to give birth to or adopt a child who has or who will have an identified special need(s).Myhypothetical family :  

I am a single mother with 6 children , oneof my children has been diagnosed with systematic lupus and has to vist the rheumatologist monthly has to take several medications to remain well enough to function in daily life and activities.

I work as an EMT and have to pay for childcare in the evenings since I have not been given a morning shift.It is difficult to get all of my children t school on time most mornings due to unreliable transportation

The ages of my children range from 4 year old twins(one of which seems to be slighltly hard of hearing) to 16 years old(the 16 year old has Lupus).

I was born in the United States and speak English.My family needs several services,what are your thoughts on the services that are needed and where can I find help?

1 comment:

Robin said...

First I would start with getting resources in line so I would be able to ask the questions needed for services. I would start with

This organization has links to all types of questions, access to an online community for support, and a research section. I would also look into what the state offers for child care vouchers. Usually if a family has a child with any type of special needs there is some type of assistance available (even for night shifts).